Lyssays (a name change for spring)

Mr. K. investigates some moss

Spring is slowly arriving. I actually saw a couple of cherry blossoms finally starting to flower at the park yesterday and there are days, at least, where the weather warms up. We’re getting there.

If spring is creeping in, maybe it’s time to start creeping back into blogging too. I’ve made a couple of changes here, the most notable being the name of my blog and username. I’ve gone from “Wisps and Whatnot” to “Lyssays”. It’s basically a play on words. I’ve used Lyssa, in various ways, as one of my online names for years and I will continue to do so as my user name here! The rest comes from my long-held dream of writing intelligible enough posts that they might be called essays, plus the fact that “Lyssays” looks a bit like Lyssa Says. See, I’m very pleased with my wittiness on this one.

It’s been a very long winter. We kept getting sick, often all at once. I’ll definitely be getting my flu shot next winter just to try and avoid that nightmare again. When I wasn’t getting sick, I was swamped with work. That’s a situation that’s bound to arise again, but I’ll try to work getting more blog posts up anyway? I get all these ideas in my headĀ for them, after all. It’s just the finding of time and space to spit them out! Wish me luck with that!